Welcome to the page of the International Institute for Disaster Research (IDR), a center of excellence in scientific research and knowledge advancement in disaster risk management. Established in 2020 in Belgrade by the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management, the Institute lays the foundation for innovative solutions and an interdisciplinary approach to understanding and mitigating the consequences of natural and technological disasters.

Our work encompasses basic, applied, and developmental research within the scientific discipline of disaster risk management. Our mission is to contribute to global resilience and risk reduction through comprehensive research and publications, including scientific papers, articles, books, and monographs.

The Institute is structured into several departments, including:

  • Department for Research on the Phenomenology, Vulnerability, and Resilience to Disasters,
  • Department for Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Research,
  • Department for Disaster Protection and Rescue Research,
  • Department for Disaster Recovery Research,
  • Department for International Cooperation and the Legal Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

In addition to scientific research, the Institute invests in the development of young researchers, offering opportunities to acquire practical knowledge and skills through projects, training, and mentorship. Our training programs enable professional growth and empower researchers to tackle challenges in disaster risk management.

The Institute’s mission is to contribute through science and research to understanding and addressing key challenges related to disasters. Our focus includes:

  1. The etiology and classification of disasters,
  2. Methodological approaches in disaster research,
  3. The phenomenology and resilience of communities,
  4. Prevention, mitigation, and recovery from disasters,
  5. International cooperation and legal frameworks for risk reduction.

We invite you to join us on this journey of advancing knowledge, resilience, and global disaster preparedness. Visit our pages for more information about our activities, projects, and research shaping the future of disaster risk management.

International Institute for Disaster Research, Serbia, prof. dr Vladimir M. Cvetković

The core mission of the International Institute for Disaster Research (IDR) primarily revolves around conducting rigorous scientific research in the field of disaster studies. This extensive research work is systematically carried out within the Institute, which serves as the hub for these endeavours. The Institute’s headquarters, where all these research activities are coordinated, are located at the specified address.

Admitting researchers is a deliberate endeavour aimed at assembling and nurturing a dynamic team of young, dedicated, and ambitious research associates. This team is envisioned to actively engage in a wide spectrum of activities, including the authorship of both national and international projects, their meticulous execution, rigorous scientific research, and the publication of scholarly papers and monographs within the realm of disaster studies.

Disaster Research (IDR) has been dedicated to fulfilling its mission through a dual approach, focusing on publishing activities and the enrichment of the theoretical knowledge base within the field of disaster risk management.

This commitment to publishing encompasses a diverse range of activities, including the production of research papers, comprehensive reports, informative articles, and scholarly books. Through these publications, the IDR aims to share insights, findings, and best practices that can contribute to a more informed and prepared global community.

International Institute for Disaster Research (IDR)
International Institute for Disaster Research (IDR)

Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management in Belgrade founded the International Institute for Disaster Research in Belgrade, in 2020. The founder and creator of the Institute is associate professor Vladimir M. Cvetkovic from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security. 

The main activity of the International Institute for Disaster Research is scientific research work in the field of disaster studies, and it is performed at the Institute whose headquarters are at the mentioned address.

The research activity of the Institute is realized through basic, applied, and developmental scientific research in the field of the scientific discipline of disaster risk management. It has several departments:

  • Department for research of phenomenology, endangerment, and resilience to disasters;
  • Department for Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Research;
  • Department for Disaster Protection and Rescue Research;
  • Department for Disaster Recovery Research; 
  • Disaster Risk Management Department;
  • Department for Research on International Cooperation and the Legal Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Admitting Young and other researchers aims to gather and form a team of young, professional, and ambitious research associates who will participate in writing national and international projects, their implementation, conducting scientific research and publishing scientific papers and monographs in the field of disaster studies.

The goal of accepting young researchers is aimed at gathering and forming a team of young, professional and ambitious research associates who will participate in writing national and international projects, their realization, conducting scientific research and publishing scientific papers and monographs in the field of disaster studies.

Please note that the financing of young researchers depends on the project activities in which they will participate and includes initial volunteer work during the acquisition of scientific research activities until the approval of the first scientific research project. In addition, researchers would acquire practical knowledge and skills that could be their advantage in further training and employment. After obtaining financial resources, it is planned to refer young researchers to appropriate training with the aim of acquiring scientific and professional qualifications. Also, the network of mentors or experienced professors who will be involved in the work of young researchers will enable the transfer of knowledge and invaluable experience of importance for their further scientific and research work.

The scientific activity of the Institute is carried out in accordance with the Law on Scientific and Research Activity of Serbia and the established and adopted program orientation of the work. The basic activity of the Institute is achieved through basic, applied and developmental scientific research in the field of the scientific discipline of disaster risk management, which has as its subject of study (Statute, 2020): 

1) the etiology of endangering people’s safety by the risks of disasters caused by natural or anthropogenic factors (natural disasters – lithospheric, hydrospheric, atmospheric, biospheric and extraterrestrial; technical-technological – nuclear and radiological, industrial, transport, infrastructural, caused by dangerous substances, war destruction and terrorist attacks); 

2) methodological issues in the field of disaster risk management (theory of disasters, research methods – quantitative and qualitative research tradition in the field of disasters, theoretical frameworks of disaster research – theories of preparedness, vulnerability, resilience, complex systems, planned behavior, urgent norms, decision-making, symbolic interactionism, etc.; paradigms in disaster research: engineering, behavior, development and complexity; 

3) phenomenology of disasters and hazards (conceptual definitions and characteristics; nature and characteristics of hazards – physical characteristics: international scales of hazard intensity, frequency and duration; classification of hazards and disasters direct and indirect consequences of disasters, current issues and problems related to tendencies, myths and other ethical issues in the field of disasters;

4) disaster vulnerability and resilience (conceptual issues and characteristics; different perspectives and dimensions – individual, physical, environmental and economic vulnerability of critical infrastructure); measurement methods and vulnerability indicators; dimensions of resilience – citizens, households and local communities, engineering, institutional and environmental resilience of organizations; global and local disaster resilience indicators; resistance components; 

5) integrated disaster risk management (definition of risk and uncertainty; sources of disaster risk; types of risk; impact of risk; definition of probability; concept, function and objectives of risk management; identifying the context, identifying hazards, assessing the risk of hazards, sorting hazards, analysis risks of individual hazards, grouping and prioritization, process and tools of informing the public about risks; risk assessment methods and models; risk assessment methodology; risk mapping; protection and rescue plans; disaster risk management indicators; risk assessment methodology and informing the public about risks);

6) disaster risk prevention and mitigation (definitions; risk mitigation strategies and measures – structural and non-structural risk mitigation; risk mitigation functions – reduction of probability and consequences, avoidance, transfer, acceptance; disaster risk mitigation caused by natural and technical-technological hazards ); 

7) preparedness for responding to disasters (definitions; types and characteristics of preparedness – individual, preparedness of households, local communities and the state; education and training – education in schools and families; factors influencing preparedness; concrete measures of preparedness for natural and technical-technological disasters; disaster planning; disaster equipment and supplies); 

8) responding to disaster risks (planning and measures of responding to risks; organization and responsibilities of intervention and rescue services; specifics and characteristics of responding to disasters; volunteering in disaster conditions; international standards when responding; media and disaster reporting; 

9) recovery from disaster (concept and stages of disaster recovery – relief, restoration and reconstruction; restoration, rehabilitation and redevelopment; dimensions and challenges of disaster recovery – environmental recovery, socio-psychological recovery, restoration of services, recovery of critical infrastructure; disaster recovery planning – short-term, long-term and principles; complexities of recovery and donations; waste management; post-disaster challenges and prospects; recovery models); 

10) information systems and disaster risk management (disaster risk databases – international and national databases; Copernicus risk management service; advanced fire information system; satellite remote reading; smart disaster response system; Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC); geographic information systems and risk reduction, etc.; 

11) international cooperation in the field of disaster risk reduction (institutional and legal bases of international cooperation; international and regional organizations that are important for risk reduction; international cooperation in practice) and k) legal frameworks for disaster risk reduction (international legal frameworks for risk reduction – Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, Hyogo Framework for Action, International Strategy for Risk Reduction, Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Initiative and Geneva Conventions; national legal framework).

International Institute for Disaster Research, Serbia, prof. dr Vladimir M. Cvetković

founder: scientific-professional Society for Disaster risk management, belgrade, serbia


The dangers that cause disasters in Serbia will be even more complex and serious in the future. People must not be passive, but must be actively involved in proactive mitigation, i.e. eliminating the consequences of future disasters. It depends on us, which path we will take and what consequences of our decisions we will face in the future. God gave us freedom of choice, and it is up to us to make the right decisions. We must not sit idly by, we must get to grips with preparations for the worst scenarios of threats to people’s safety caused by natural or technical-technological disasters. The territory of Serbia is subject to various types of natural and anthropogenic disasters. The risk is not equal in the entire territory and depends on the type of danger and the expected damage potential.

So far, the level of community resilience to disasters has not been determined in Serbia. There are no scientific prerequisites for its improvement in order to reduce the future material and non-material consequences of disasters. Developing a predictive model with an index of community resilience to disasters in Serbia would strengthen the creation of preconditions for the creation of public policies, strategies and procedures for improving resilience and reducing the consequences of disasters for people and their property and improving the safety of citizens. Also, it would encourage prediction of community resilience to disasters based on social identity indicators, improving disaster forecasting and preparing for disaster loss mitigation. Based on the development of analytical frameworks for understanding community resilience to disasters and social identity in disasters, essential prerequisites for designing innovative information systems that will enable local communities to increase their level of resilience would be created.

Proceeding from the immeasurable importance and role of non-governmental organizations and civil society in the process of disaster risk management (they proactively contribute to support public policy and public risk reduction actions; preparedness and resilience improved through public advocacy; assistance to vulnerable people; cooperation with intervention and rescue services), prof. On June 15, 2018, Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković made a decision to establish the Scientific and Professional Society for Risk Management in Emergency Situations (NSD-URVS), which would bring together all scientists and practitioners from Serbia and the region with the aim of joint improvement of theoretical and empirical postulates and providing assistance to local decision-makers and managers in the emergency management process.

Therefore, on June 15, 2018, the founding assembly was held and at the proposal of the founder, prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković, professors from the Faculty of Security, the Criminalistics and Police University, the Faculty of Geography and Forestry unanimously adopted the Statute and formed the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management.

In order to improve the scientific activity within the Society, 21.12.2020. year, the Statute was adopted and the International Institute for Disaster Research was established. The main activity of the International Institute for Disaster Research is scientific research in the field of disaster studies and is carried out at the Institute. The scientific activity of the Institute is carried out in accordance with the Law on Scientific and Research Activity of Serbia and the established and adopted program orientation of the work. The main activity of the Institute is achieved through basic, applied and developmental scientific research in the field of the scientific discipline of disaster risk management: conducting scientific research in the field of phenomenology of disasters and hazards; conducting scientific research in the field of preparedness and disaster risk mitigation; conducting scientific research in the field of protection and rescue in disasters; conducting scientific research in the field of disaster recovery; conducting scientific research in the field of disaster risk management; conducting scientific research in the field of international cooperation and the legal framework in the field of disasters; performs other tasks in accordance with the Statute.

The Scientific-Professional Society for Risk Management in Emergency Situations (NSDR-URVS) is a non-governmental, non-profit association, established for an indefinite period, to improve the existing fund of theoretical knowledge in the field of risk management in emergency situations, to conduct quantitative and qualitative research, to organize national and international conferences, starting and managing magazines, conducting trainings and risk assessments, as well as other academic activities in the mentioned field.


The head of the Scientific-Professional Society for Risk Management in Emergency Situations is the president, prof. dr Vladimir M. Cvetković, while Sofija Radojković performs the function of secretary. In its composition, NSD-URVS has more than 1500 members who are professors from all state and private universities and faculties in Serbia, scientific researchers, practitioners (members of the police, fire-rescue units, emergency medical services, the army, NGO organizations in the field of security etc.) students and young people who are directly or indirectly engaged in research and specific activities in the field of emergency situations. Become a member by filling out the application form on the Website and sending it to the Company’s email.


Objectives of NSDR-URVS: a) conducting research in the field of disaster studies; b) establishment and management of an international journal – International Journal of Disaster Risk Management; v) preparation, application and implementation of national and international projects on various aspects of risk management in emergency situations; g) promoting, designing, implementing and improving preventive measures against disasters; d) designing and implementing campaigns, programs, plans to strengthen citizens’ awareness of the necessity of improving their preparedness for disasters; f) organizing national and international scientific conferences on risk management in emergency situations; e) implementation of expert risk assessments and preparation of protection and rescue plans in emergency situations; h) organizing and implementing various types of training, courses, seminars and other training for citizens, students and employees in interested institutions; z) performing other tasks in accordance with the law and its Statute.


Within the scientific and publishing activities of the Society, a large number of textbooks, monographs and collections were published: Media system of Bosnia and Herzegovina and changes in identity – scientific monograph, 2023; Fire risks in institutions for the execution of criminal sanctions – scientific monograph, 2023; Disaster protection and rescue tactics – textbook, 2022; Legal and security aspects of risk management from natural and anthropogenic disasters – proceedings, 2022; Risk management in emergency situations – textbook, 2020; Myths about disasters: truths and fallacies – scientific monograph, 2021; v) Management in nuclear disasters – scientific monograph, 2021; Security risks and disasters – practicum, 2021; Risk management and disaster protection and rescue systems – practicum, 2021; Collection of regulations in the field of disaster risk management, 2019; Protection and rescue tactics in emergency situations: experiences from the field and lessons – collection of works, 2021. Associates of the society have written more than five projects in the field of emergency situations and more than 100 scientific papers.


In the organization of the Scientific and Professional Society for Risk Management in Emergency Situations, a large number of trainings and other activities focused on education in the field of emergency situations were realized: The first national security training in the field of emergency situations in Lucani, in 2023; The first basic security training in the field of emergency situations on Stara Planina from July 13 to 16, 2018 (100 participants); Second basic safety training in the field of protection and rescue in emergency situations in the Ovčar-Kablar gorge from November 29 to December 1, 2019 (60 participants); Third basic security training in the field of emergency situations from October 29 to November 1, 2021; Command-simulation exercise of landslide rehabilitation and the work of the City Headquarters for emergency situations, held on April 6, 2019, in the Crna Rupa sports hall; Orientation training for the needs of protection and rescue in emergency situations, held on March 16, 2019 in Košutnjak (110 participants); Training in the field of protection and rescue of people on inaccessible terrain (alpinist and rescue activities), March 8, 2019; Formed a general purpose civil protection unit for the needs of protection and rescue in emergency situations in accordance with the Law on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management; Marking of the World Day of Civil Protection in the Ceremonial Hall of the Old Palace, March 1, 2020; Participation of members and associates of the Society in providing assistance to the vulnerable population of the city of Belgrade during the epidemic caused by the Corona virus, 2020; Participation of the Society’s Secretary in the Forum of Young Leaders held in Novi Sad from November 22 to 24, 2019; Participation of members and associates in the environmental safety conference “Let’s get serious” in 2020; Basic safety training in the handling and manipulation of firearms, MUS shooting range, Novi Belgrade, 2020 (120 participants); Participation in the educational seminar “Active Women, Active Society”, Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence, from September 26 to 29, 2019; Realization of a summer course in martial arts, application of self-defense tools in emergency situations lasting 7 days, 2020 (90 participants); Participation of members and associates of the Society in the international field exercise – Managing the consequences of emergency situations, Serbia 2018, organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Sector for Emergency Situations and the European Atlantic Coordination Center for Emergency Situations, from October 8 to 11, 2018; Experience and lessons learned in the protection and rescue of Serbian citizens during the armed aggression in 1999 lecture was held; A forum was held on the state of emergency situations in the area of the city of Belgrade, on March 28, 2019, in the ceremonial hall of the municipality of Zvezdara; On March 28, 2019, the first international journal was founded and published – International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM); At the founding assembly, held on 21.12.2020. year, the Statute was adopted and the International Institute for Disaster Research was established as an organizational unit of the Society, the founder of which was Assoc. Dr. Vladimir M. Cvetković; Created a national electronic platform for online courses in the field of emergency situations, in 2021.

Flyer of the Scientific and Professional Society for Risk Management in Emergency Situations