Basic biographical data and schooling
He was born on February 8, 1987. years in Kragujevac. He received his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade, on the topic “Citizens’ preparedness to respond to the natural disaster caused by the flood in the Republic of Serbia” (2016), which earned him the academic title of Doctor of Science – Security Science.
At the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade, he defended his master’s thesis on “Management in emergency situations caused by the misuse of weapons of mass destruction” in 2012, which earned him the title of master criminalist and graduated in 2010 as a student of the generation with an average grade of 10.00 student in history with the mentioned achieved average), which earned him the title of graduate criminologist.
He graduated from the high school of internal affairs (police officer) in Sremska Kamenica in 2006 as one of the students of the generation and the holder of Vuk’s diploma, and the elementary school “Sveti Sava” in Batocina in 2002 as the holder of Vuk’s diploma.
Personal Website
Awards and acknowledgments
The ”Danubius Award” for 2017 by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) and the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) for extraordinary achievements in scientific activity and output with the Danube Region.
Award for the best student of the first generation of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Zemun, for an average of 10.00, 2nd October 2010, silver badge of the Academy awarded;
Awards for the best student of the third year of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Zemun, 2nd October 2009;
Award for the best student of the second year of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Zemun, 2nd October 2008;
Award for the best student of the first year of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Stud in Zemun, 2nd October 2007;
Elected at the Municipal Assembly of Lapovo in 2009 as the best student in the history of the municipality;
Awarded as one of the best cadets with a grade average of 5.00 in the Police High School, Sremska Kamenica;
Recipient of a scholarship from the OSCE for the third year of doctoral studies at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, 2015/2016;
Recipient of a talent scholarship of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia – Grant by the Fund for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia for the undergraduate students of final year (2009/10);
Winner of “Eurobank EFG scholarship for the best students of Serbia” within the project “Let’s invest in European values”, due to outstanding achievements in the field of criminal and police-security studies, 2009.
In the Sector for Emergency Situations, during 2011, he realized professional practice;
The basic course for firefighter-rescuer in 2012, lasting 4 months, was completed with an average of 5.00 (five) in the Emergency Situations Administration of the City of Belgrade, which earned him the diploma of firefighter-rescuer;
Passed the professional exam for performing fire protection activities with a university degree (2012);
Completed a basic specialist course for inspectors in the field of civil protection and risk management, in 2014;
Passed professional exam for disaster risk assessment and development of protection and rescue plans in emergency situations, 2018;
Passed professional exam for risk assessment in the protection of persons, property, and business, 2018;
Completed the course and issued a certificate of passing the professional exam for firefighter-rescuer issued by the Ministry of Interior, the Republic of Serbia in 2012;
Diploma for a master’s degree in martial arts JuJutrsu, (black belt – first day) 2005;
Diploma for amateur radio E class, Sremska Kamenica, 2004;
In primary school for exceptional results in competitions, he was awarded 6 special diplomas, for physics, history, Serbian and German language, biology, and technical education.
Scientific papers and projects
Assoc. Prof. Vladimir M. Cvetković, Ph.D. published more than 250 scientific papers in national and international journals and anthologies, of which 18 scientific monographs and doctoral dissertation. His fields of research interests are a disaster, hazards, emergencies, disaster risk management, civil defense, and security. He speaks English and German.
He participated in the following national and international scientific research projects:
International scientific research project “Horizon 2020 project DAREnet – Danube river region Resilience Exchange network targeting the Call topic: SEC-21–GM-2016/2017: Pan European Networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of security“ involving the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies and other 14 partners from home and abroad. The mission of the project is to create preconditions for objective scientific and practical support to all relevant entities and organizations in charge of natural disaster management (mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery) caused by flooding of the Danube River.
A scientific research project funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia: Development of institutional capacities, standards and procedures for combating organized crime and terrorism in the conditions of international integration (no. 179045), implemented by the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade, 2011- 2016;
Scientific research project implemented by the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade entitled: Management of police organization in preventing and combating security threats in the Republic of Serbia from 2015 to 2018;
Manager of the seminar: “Security of students in school buildings” scheduled by the Program catalog of continuous professional development of teachers, educators and professional associates for the academic years 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017;
Scientific research project implemented by the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade entitled “National security of the Republic of Serbia and security integration”, 2014-2015.
According to the official data of the scientific network “Research gate” in 2021, he achieved RG scores – 24.52 h-index 15, total research interest – 910.2, 726 citations, 380 recommendations, and 70,000 readings.
According to official data, “Google scholar citations” achieved 1186 (citations), h-index 15 and i10-index 33.
Reviewing scientific journals and grants
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, publisher: Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management;
He has reviewed over 50 scientific papers in national journals and publications and in international journals/proceedings SCI/SSCI list:
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (8 papers)
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (5 papers)
International Journal of Architectural Heritage;
International Journal – Heliyon;
International Journal – Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk (3 papers);
International Journal – Health Science Journal;
Journal of Infection and Public Health;
Preventive Medicine Reports;
Risk Analysis;
SAGE Open Medicine;
Behavioral Sciences;
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences;
World Medical & Health Policy.
Employment and pedagogical experience
He is employed at the Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade as an associate professor at the Department of Disaster Risk Management and Environmental Security. He is the director of the International Institute for Disaster Research in Belgrade. The president is also the founder of the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management in Belgrade. He is engaged in the following subjects:
Disaster risk management;
Protection against natural and anthropogenic disasters;
Security risks and disasters (Protection and Rescue System);
Methodology of risk assessment and development of plans for protection and rescue from natural and other disasters;
Management of protection and rescue activities;
System of prevention and reduction of risk from natural and other disasters
In the period from 2013 to 2017, he was employed at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies as an associate as an assistant for the following subjects: “Emergency Security”, “Emergency Risk Management”, “Fire Prevention and Suppression, Explosions and accidents “,”Information systems in emergency situations”. Also, at the mentioned higher education institution and subjects, in the period from 2011 to 2013, he was employed as an associate in the title of teaching associate. During 2006, he was employed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia as a police officer.
Mentor of master’s theses (more than 25): Evacuation from residential buildings in emergency situations caused by fires; Examining the impact of demographic and socio – economic factors on the level of preparedness of citizens to respond to emergencies caused by forest fires in Prijepolje; Public perception of terrorist threats using chemical weapons: implications for the emergency risk management process; Demographic and socio-economic perspective of flood risk perception of natural disasters: a case study Belgrade; Gender dimension of citizens’ vulnerability to natural disasters caused by floods in 2014: case study Svilajnac; Comparative analysis of disaster risk management policy in Southeast Europe; Increasing the risk of disasters caused by the impact of climate change on natural hazards; The role of social networks in disaster risk reduction; Improving the readiness of security officers to act in emergencies caused by fire; Increasing the risk of disasters caused by climate change hazards; Integrated risk management in a fire emergency: case study of electricity distribution Belgrade; Myths about human behavior in disaster conditions; Socio-economic predictors of risk perception and preparedness for disasters caused by fires in residential buildings: a case study Belgrade; Innovative solutions for improving disaster risk communication – factors influencing efficiency and applicability in practice.
He was a member of the commission for the defense of the following doctoral dissertations: The impact of international cooperation on the system of reducing the risk of elementary and other disasters in the Republic of Serbia; Resilience of urban communities to fire hazards
Professional engagements and certificates
Director of the International Institute for Disaster Research in Belgrade, Dimitrija Tucovića 121
Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM);
President of the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management as an organization of special importance for the protection and rescue system of the Republic of Serbia, 2018 (;
Manager and implementer of basic security training in the field of risk management and protection and rescue measures in emergencies, Stara Planina, 2019.
Participated in various world conferences:
5th Global Summit of GADRI Engaging Sciences with Action, Organised by the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes together with the support of the Regional Alliances, 2021;
12 International Scientific Conference “30 years of independent Macedonian state”
XI International Scientific Conference, Archibald Reiss Days 2021;
7th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) takin place on 18-19 October 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The VIII International Scientific Conference Archibald Reiss Days, University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Zemun, Belgrade, 2-3 october 2018.
Annual Meeting of the Internationa Nuclear Security Education Network, International Atomic Energy Agency in UN Vienna International Centre, from 9 july 2018 to 13 July 2018;
12th International Conference on Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management, on 17-19 May 2018, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
Danube Rectors’ Conference 2017, Responsibilities of Danube Universities as promoters of EUSDR, November 9-10, 2017, University of Zagreb, Crotatia.
Training on project design, proposal development and project management for EU Horizon 2020 Programme, European training Academy in cooperation with UNDP in Belgrade, from 4 to 12 October, 2017.
Regional Workshop on Human Resources Development in Podgorica, Montenegro from 30 October to 3 November 2017, organized by International Atomic Energy Agency and Ministry of Sustainable Development and Toursm of Montenegro;
European Geosciences Union GmbH – EGU General Assembly 2017, At Vienna, Austria, Volume: Vol. 19, EGU2017-6720: Session HS1.9/NH1.18 Hydrological risk under a gender and age perspective, Wiena.
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, International Conference Natural Hazards – Links between Science and Practice, 8-11 October 2013;
The third romanian-bulgarian-hungarian-serbian conference: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Managament: Geographical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube;
International scientific conference: The Balkans between Past and Future: Security, Conflict Resolution and Euro-Atlantic Integration, 05-08 June 2013, Ohrid
International conference: Macedonia and the Balkans, a hundred years after the world war I – security and euroatlantic integrations, 03-05 june 2014. Skopje: University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, Faculty of Security;
The international conference is organized by the Faculty of Security – Skopje – University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola in collaboration with Faculty of detectives and security – FON University – Skopje. International scientific conference – criminalistic education, situation and perspectives – 20 years after Vodinelic;
International scientific conference – Researching security – approaches, concepts and policies. University “St. Kliment Ohridski”- Bitola Faculty of Security – Skopje, 2015;
International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss days” Thematic conference proceedings of international significance., Belgrade, The Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 2015;
International Scientific Conference, Regional Perspective, October 24th, 2013, Belgrade (Organization University of Belgrade – Faculty of Security Studies);
Second International Conference on Human Security: Twenty Years of Human Security Y20HS, November 7th and 8th, 2014;
7th International Scientific Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime, Macedonia, 2016;
International scientific conference – Researching security – approaches, concepts and policies, 02-03. 06. 2015. University “St. Kliment Ohridski”- Bitola Faculty of Security – Skopje
The 7th International Scientific Conference “Crisis Management Days”, 22-23 May, 2014, Croatia, Velika Gorica;
International Scientific Conference “Environment and Economy Adaptation to Climate Change”, 22 – 24 April 2015, Belgrade. Scientific and professional society for environmental protection of Serbia
The 3rd International Scientific Conference “Security engineering, fire, environment, work environment, integrated risk and the 13th International Conference on protection against fire and explosion, Novi Sad, 18-19 October 2012, the Higher Technical School of Professional Studies;
The 9th International Scientific Conference “Crisis Management Days “, University of Velika Gorica, Croatia, 2016;
International Scientific Conference: Environmental Crisis: Technogenesis and Climate Change, Belgrade. Scientific-professional Association for Environmental Protection, 2016.
Harmonization of the foreign policy of the Republic of Serbia with a common foreign and security policy of the European Union”, Institute for International Politics and Economics. – Belgrade, 10-11 October 2011;
Jaroslav Černi Institute for the Development of Water Resources, International Conference Climate change Impacts on Water Resources, 17-18 October 2013, Belgrade, Serbia;
The 4th International Scientific Conference Security engineering, fire, environment, work environment, integrated risks” and the 14th International Conference on protection against fire and explosion, 02-03 October 2014, Novi Sad: High Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad, Technical University in Zvolen and the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy;
Scientific Conference with International Participation: Law and Forensics in criminalistics, Kragujevac, 15 – 17 September, Belgrade, Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 2010;
Scientific Conference: Security of urban areas. Sarajevo, Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, 2014;
The 8th International Conference “Days of security” on the topic: The subjects of the security system in the realization of the security functions of the state, Faculty of Security and Protection, Banja Luka 12 June 2015;
National Conference with International Participation, Protection at work in the 21st century – Theory and Practice, Tara, 04 – 08 October 2011;
Countering contemporary forms of crime – analysis of the situation, European standards and measures for improvement (26-29 May 2015), Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies and the “Hanns Seidel” Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia;
The 7th Scientific Conference with International Participation “European Integration: justice, freedom and security” Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies and the “Hanns Seidel” Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, 24-26 May 2016, Hotel Omorika.
The 7th International Scientific Conference Archibald Reiss Days, 7-9 November, 2017, Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies.
First Conference with International participation – Environmental Safety and Health at Work Zrenjanin.
The 9th International Scientific Conference “Crisis Management Days “, University of Velika Gorica, Croatia, 2016;
The 10th International Scientific Conference “Crisis Management Days “, University of Velika Gorica, Croatia, 2017;
Scientific conference with international participation: European Integration: Justice, Freedom and Security, 2016, Tara.
International Scientific Conference “New Directions And Challenges In Transforming Societies Through A Multidisciplinary Approach” 6th June, 2017, MIT University, City Gallery, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
International Scientific And Professional Conference “40 years of higher education in the field of security – Theory and Practice” SKOPJE, Republic of Macedonia, 05 December, 2016
Fifth counseling – Risk Management, May 26, 2017, amphitheater VTŠSS Pozarevac.
Other professional
Implementer of the seminar “Safety of students in school facilities”, catalog number 9 from the Catalog of professional development programs for teachers, educators and professional associates ZUOV for the school year 2014/2015. and 2015/2016. year and for the school year 2016/2017. year.
He participated in the implementation of special forms of teaching (training) during employment at the Police Academy, such as basic police training with first-year students (handling and manipulation of firearms by police officers); basic police and security training for emergency situations with second-year students of basic academic and vocational studies; summer field training in the Teaching Center “Mitrovo Polje” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia in Goč with students of the third year of academic and second year of vocational studies;
Secretary of the Department of Security Sciences, Criminal Police Academy, from 2011 to 2015.
From 2014, he headed the section for emergency situations at the Police Academy, and from 2016, the section for police self-defense (Jujutsu).
He was engaged in the school police station and as a member of the commission for self-evaluation in the Criminal Police Academy.
It has the following certificates and licenses
certificate, DCAF Border Security Programme certifies that has successfully participated in the seventh ,,Future Leaders Training“ which took place in Andermatt, Switzerland, Geneva Centre for The Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2011. година;
certificate of Participation, ,,Weapons of Mass Destruction Crime Scene Operations Course“, United States of America, Department of Defense International Counterproliferation Program, 2011. година;
certificate, Sixth Regional Course in ,,International Humanitarian Law“, BU Faculty of Political Sciences, 2009.
certificate of appreciation in recognition of the valuable contribution as a Participant of the NATO SPS Leadership Roundtable on Information-Related Hybrid Threats in South – East Europe, 6-12 October 2019, Republic of North Macedonia.
certificate that has successfully completed training on project design, proposal development and project management for EU Horizon 2020 programme, EUTA and UNDP;
certificate that has successfully completed IAEA Regional Workshop on Human Resource Devellopment, 30 October – 3 November 2017, organized by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro;
certificate of completion on-line e-learning course on: Overview of Nuclear Security Threats and Risks; Nuclear Security Threats and Risks (4 modules); Introduction to and Overview of IAEA Nuclear Security Series Publications; Nuclear Security Disciplines course on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities;
certificate, DCAF Border Security Programme certifies that has successfully participated in the seventh ,,Future Leaders Training“ which took place in Andermatt, Switzerland, Geneva Centre for The Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2011. година;
certificate of Participation, ,,Weapons of Mass Destruction Crime Scene Operations Course“, United States of America, Department of Defense International Counterproliferation Program, 2011. Година;
certificate, Sixth Regional Course in ,,International Humanitarian Law“, BU Faculty of Political Sciences, 2009.
certificate of appreciation in recognition of the valuable contribution as a Participant of the NATO SPS Leadership Roundtable on Information-Related Hybrid Threats in South – East Europe, 6-12 October 2019, Republic of North Macedonia.
certificate that has successfully completed training on project design, proposal development and project management for EU Horizon 2020 programme, EUTA and UNDP;
certificate that has successfully completed IAEA Regional Workshop on Human Resource Devellopment, 30 October – 3 November 2017, organized by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro;
certificate of completion on-line e-learning course on: Overview of Nuclear Security Threats and Risks; Nuclear Security Threats and Risks (4 modules); Introduction to and Overview of IAEA Nuclear Security Series Publications; Nuclear Security Disciplines course on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities.
Books (scientific monographs, textbooks and practicums)
Cvetković, V., Bugarski, T., Ristivojević, B., Čaušić, L. (2021). Collection of regulations in the field of emergency situations. Novi Sad: Pravni fakultet u Novom Sadu.
Cvetković, V., & Marina, J. (2021). Myths about disasters: truths and misconceptions. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
Cvetković, V., Martinović, J. (2021). Management in nuclear disasters. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
Cvetković, V. (2021). Security risks and disasters. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
Cvetković, V. (2020). Disaster risk management. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
Cvetković, V. (2019). Risk management and disaster protection and rescue systems. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
Cvetković, V. (2016). Police and natural disaster. Beograd: Zadužbina Andrejević.
Cvetković, V., Bošković, D., Janković, B., & Andrić, S. (2018). Disaster risk perception. Beograd: Kriminalističko-policijska akademija.
Miladinović, S., Cvetković, V., & Milašinović, S. (2018). Disaster landslides management. Beograd: Kriminalističko-policijska akademija.
Cvetković, V. (2013). First responders in disaster. Beograd, Zadužbina Andrejević.
Jakovljević, V., Cvetković, V., & Gačić, J. (2015). Natural disaster and education. Beograd: Fakultet bezbednosti, Univerzitet u Beogradu.
Cvetković, V., Gačić, J. (2016). Evacuation in natural disaster. Beograd: Zadužbina Andrejević, 2016.
Ivanov, A., Cvetković, V. (2017). Natural disaster – geospatial and temporal distribution. Univerzitet „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“- Bitola, Fakultet za bezbednost, Skopje.
Bošković, D., Cvetković, V. (2017). Risk assesment and explosive materials. Beograd: Kriminalističko-policijska akademija.
Cvetković, V., Filipović, M. (2017). Citizens preparedness for disasters: recomendation for improvement citizens security.
Cvetković, V. (2017). Disaster and Risk Research Methodology: Theories, Concepts and Methods: Beograd: Zadužbina Andrejević, Instant system.
Cvetković, V., Milašinović, S., Laden, G. (2017). Historical development of police education in Serbia. High shool in Doboj.
Papers in national and international journals (selected)
Cvetković, V.M., Tanasić, J., Ocal, A., Kešetović, Ž., Nikolić, N. (2021) Capacity Development of Local Self-Governments for Disaster Risk Management. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18.(IF – 3.390)
Cvetković, V., Nikolić, N., Nenadić, R. U., Ocal, A., & Zečević, M. (2020). Preparedness and Preventive Behaviors for a Pandemic Disaster Caused by COVID-19 in Serbia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 4124 .
Ocal, A., Cvetković, V. M., Baytiyeh, H., Tedim, F., & Zečević, M. (2020). Public reactions to the disaster COVID-19: A comparative study in Italy, Lebanon, Portugal, and Serbia. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. doi:10.1080/19475705.2020.1811405.
Cvetković, V. M., Öcal, A., & Ivanov, A. (2019). Young adults’ fear of disasters: A case study of residents from Turkey, Serbia and Macedonia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 101095.
Gačić, J., Jović, J. S., Terzić, N., Cvetković, V., Terzić, M., Stojanović, D., & Stojanović, G. (2021). Gender differences in stress intensity and coping strategies among students – Future emergency relief specialist. Vojnosanitetski pregled/ Military-medical and pharmaceutical review, 78(6), 635-641.
Cvetković, V., Giulia, R., Ocal, A., Taroli, P., Dragićević, S. (2018). The Role of Gender in Preparedness and Response Behaviors towards Flood Risk in Serbia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Cvetković, V., Kevin, R., Shaw, R., Filipović, M., Mano, R., Gačić, J., & Jakovljević, V. (2018). Household earthquake preparedness in Serbia – a study from selected municipalities. Acta Geographica, 59(1).
Cvetković, V., Noji, E., Filipović, M., Marija, M. P., Želimir, K., & Nenad, R. (2018). Public Risk Perspectives Regarding the Threat of Terrorism in Belgrade: Implications for Risk Management Decision-Making for Individuals, Communities and Public Authorities. Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminology, 68(4).
Cvetković, V., Ristanović, E., & Gačić, J. (2018). Citizens Attitudes about the Emergency Situations Caused by Epidemics in Serbia – Stavovi građana o vanrednim situacijama izazvanim epidemijama: studija slučaja Srbije. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 47(8), 1213-1214
Cvetković, V., Dragićević, S., Petrović, M., Mijaković, S., Jakovljević, V., & Gačić, J. (2015). Knowledge and perception of secondary school students in Belgrade about earthquakes as natural disasters. Polish journal of environmental studies, 24(4), 1553-1561.
Cvetković, V., & Grbić, L. (2021). Public perception of climate change and its impact on natural disasters. Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, 71(1), 43-58.
Cvetković, V., Pavlović, S., & Janković, B. (2021). Factors of influence on preparedness of the private security members for fire emergencies. Journal of Criminalistic and Law, NBP, 26(1).
Cvetković, V. (2016). Fear and floods in Serbia: Citizens preparedness for responding to natural disaster. Matica Srpska Journal of Social Sciences, 155(2), 303-324.
Cvetković, V., Roder, G., Tarolli, P., Öcal, A., Ronan, K., Dragićević, S. (2017). Flood risk perception and preparedness: a gendered perspective in Serbia. Disasters (in process).
Cvetković, V., Milašinović, S., Lazić, Ž. (2017). Examination of citizens attitudes towards providing support to vulnerable people and volunteering during natural disasters. TEME – Journal of social science, In press.
Cvetković, V., Giulia, R., Ocal, A., Filipović, M., Janković, B., & Eric, N. (2018). Childrens and youths’ knowledge on forest fires: Discrepancies between basic perceptions and reality. Vojno delo, 70(1), 171-185.
Cvetković, V., Lipovac, M., & Milojković, B. (2016). Knowledge of secondary school students in Belgrade as an element of flood preparedness. Journal for social sciences, TEME, 15(4), 1259-1273.
Cvetković, V., Milašinović, S., & Gostimirović, L. (2016). The impact of age on flood preparedness in Serbia. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 6(10), 10-23.
Cvetković, V., & Martinović, J. (2020). Inovative solutions for flood risk management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 2(2), 71-100.
Cvetkovic, V. M. (2019). Risk Perception of Building Fires in Belgrade. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(1), 81-91.
Perić, J., & Cvetković, V. (2019). Demographic, socio-economic and phycological perspective of risk perception from disasters caused by floods: case study Belgrade. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(2), 31-43
Cvetković, V., & Todorović, S. (2021). Comparative analysis of disaster risk management policies in the region of south-east Europe. International yearbook Faculty of Security Studies, 1, 7-17.
Cvetković, V., Roder, G., Tarolli, P., Öcal, A., Ronan, K., & Dragićević, S. (2017). Gender disparities in flood risk perception and preparedness: a Serbian case study. Paper presented at the European Geosciences Union GmbH – EGU General Assembly 2017, At Vienna, Austria, Volume: Vol. 19, EGU2017-6720: Session HS1.9/NH1.18 Hydrological risk under a gender and age perspective, Wiena.
Cvetković, V., Tarolli, P., Roder, G., Ivanov, A., Ronan, K., Ocam, A., & Kutub, R. (2017). Citizens education about floods: a Serbian case study. VII International scientific conference Archibald Reiss days, Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade.
Cvetković, V., Roder, G., Tarolli, P., Öcal, A., Ronan, K., & Dragićević, S. (2017a). Flood risk perception and preparedness: a gendered perspective in Serbia. Disasters (in procedure)
Cvetković, V., Gačić, J., & Jakovljević, V. (2015). Impact of climate change on the distribution of extreme temperatures as natural disasters. Vojno delo, 67(6), 21-42.
Cvetković, V., Gačić, J., & Jakovljević, V. (2017). Household supplies for natural disaster: factor of influence on the possession of supplies. Paper presented at the 8th International Scientific Conference – Security concept and policies – New generation of risks and threats, At Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 4 – 5 June, 2017.
Cvetković, V., & Sandić, M. (2016). The fear of natural disaster caused by flood. Ecologica, 23(82), 203-211.
Cvetković, V., & Stojković, D. (2015a). Analysis of geospatial and temporal distribution of storms as a natural disaster International scientific conference – Criminalistic education, situation and perspectives 20 years after Vodinelic. Skopje: Faculty of security, University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola in collaboration with Faculty of detectives and security, FON University.
Cvetković, V., & Stojković, D. (2015b). Knowledge and perceptions of secondary school students in Kraljevo about natural disasters. Ecologica, 22(77), 42-49.
Cvetković, V., Tarolli, P., Roder, G., Ivanov, A., Ronan, K., Ocam, A., & Kutub, R. (2017). Citizens education about floods: a Serbian case study. Paper presented at the VII International scientific conference Archibald Reiss days.
Ivanov, A., & Cvetković, V. (2014). The role of education in natural disaster risk reduction. Horizons – international scientific journal, X (16), 115-131.
Cvetković, V., & Dragicević, S. (2014). Spatial and temporal distribution of natural disasters. Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, 64(3), 293-309.
Cvetković, V., Gačić, J., & Jakovljević, V. (2015). Impact of climate change on the distribution of extreme temperatures as natural disasters. Vojno delo, 67(6), 21-42.
Cvetković, V. (2016). Uticaj demografskih faktora na nivo informisanosti građana o nadležnostima policije u prirodnim katastrofama. Bezbednost, 18(2), 5-32.
Cvetković, V. (2016). The relationship between educational level and citizen preparedness for responding to natural disasters. Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 66(2), 237-253.
Cvetković, M. V. (2016). The impact fo demographic factors on the expetation of assistance from the police inn natural disaster. Serbian Science Today, 1(1), 8–17.
Cvetković, V., & Miladinović, S. (2017). Testing of attitudes and knowledge of students on natural hazards as landslides. Ecologica, 24(85), 121-126.
Cvetković, V. (2016). The impact of motivation on the citizens willingness of of Serbia to respond to a natural disaster caused by floods. Vojno delo, 68(3), 141-171.
Cvetković, V. (2016). The impact of demographic, socio-economic and psychological factors on preventative measures. Kultura polisa, XIII(32), 393-404.
Cvetković, V. (2016). Relationship between success in secondary school and citizens preparedness for natural disaster. Bezbjednost, policija i građani, XII(3-4/16), 61-84.
Cvetković, V. (2016). Influence of employment status on citizen preparedness for response to natural disasasters. NBP – Journal of criminalistics and law, 21(2), 46-95.
Cvetković, V., & Popović, M. (2011). Possibilities of weapon of mass destruction abuse for terrorist purposes. Bezbednost, Beograd, 53(2), 149-167.
Cvetković, V. (2013). Possibilities of Biological Weapons Abuse for Terrorist Purposes. Bezbednost, 55(1), 122-140.
Aleksandar, I., Cvetković, V., & Sudar, S. (2016). Theoretical foundations related to Natural disasters and measuring the resilience of the communities before disasters happens – Establishing proposal variables”. Paper presented at the 7th International Scientific Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime.
Cvetkovic, V., & Mijalkovic, S. (2013). Spatial and temporal distribution of geophysical disasters. Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, 63(3), 345-359.
Cvetković, M. V. (2016). The impact fo demographic factors on the expetation of assistance from the police inn natural disaster. Serbian Science Today, 1(1), 8–17.
Cvetković, V. (2014a). Analysis of geospatial and temporal distribution of climate disaster. Tranzicija i ekonomski kriminal II (pp. 163-183). Belgrade: Kriminalističko-policijska akademija.
Cvetković, V. (2014b). Geospatial and temporal distribution of vulcanic eruptions. NBP – Žurnal za kriminalistiku i pravo, 2/2014, 153-171.
Cvetković, V. (2014c). The impacts of climate changes on the risk of natural disasters. In T. Batkovski (Ed.), International yearbook of the Faculty of security (pp. 51-62). Skopje: Faculty of security.
Cvetković, V. (2014d). Spatial and temporal distribution of floods like natural emergency situations. Paper presented at the International scientific conference Archibald Reiss days Belgrade.
Cvetković, V. (2014e). The role of police in natural disaster. In N. Petrović, D. Todić, & D. Mlađan (Eds.), Elementarne nepogode i vanredne situacije (pp. 215-243). Beograd: Institut za uporedno pravo i Kriminalističko-policijska akademija.
Cvetković, V. (2014f). Management in emergency situations caused by the use of hazardous substances. In E. Mujanović (Ed.), Naučna konferencija: sigurnost urbanih sredina (pp. 63-72). Sarajevo: Fakultet za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije.
Cvetković, V. (2014g). Protection of critical infrastructure in natural disaster. Paper presented at the Sedma međunarodna znastveno-stručna konferencija ,,Dani kriznog upravljanja”, Hrvatska.
Cvetković, V. (2015). Faktori uticaja na znanje i percepciju učenika srednjih škola u Beogradu o prirodnim katastrofama izazvanim klizištima. Bezbednost, LVII(1/2015), 32-51.
Cvetković, V. (2016a). Fear and floods in Serbia: Citizens preparedness for responding to natural disaster. Matica Srpska Journal of Social Sciences, 155(2), 303-324.
Cvetković, V. (2016b). Influence of employment status on citizen preparedness for response to natural disasasters. NBP – Journal of criminalistics and law, 21(2), 46-95.
Cvetković, V. (2016c). Influence of Income Level on Citizen Preparedness for Response to Natural Disasters. Vojno delo, 2016/4, 100-127.
Cvetković, V. (2016d). Marital status of citizens and floods: citizen preparedness for response to natural disasters. Vojno delo, 68(8), 89-116.
Cvetković, V. (2016g). The impact of demographic factors on citizens awareness level about police competencies in natural disasters. Bezbednost, 18(2), 5-32.
Cvetković, V. (2016h). The impact of demographic, socio-economic and psychological factors on taking preventive measures. Kultura polisa, XIII(32), 393-404.
Cvetković, V., & Filipović, M. (2017a). Earthquake risk perception in Serbia: Theoretical-empirical study. Matica Srpska Journal of Social Sciences, in procedure.
Cvetković, V., & Filipović, M. (2017b). Informing of citizens about emergency situations: influence factors and modalities. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference – Crisis management days: Security environment and challenges of crisis management, 24, 25 and 26 May 2017.
Cvetković, V. (2017b). Informed of citizens about firefighters jurisdiction in emergency situations. Paper presented at the VIII Scientific and professional conference with international participation – Police and judiciary guarantees of freedom and security in a legal state, At Hotel “Omorika” on Tara Mountain, Serbia.
Cvetković, V., & Gačić, J. (2017). Fires as threatening security phenomenon: factors of influence on knowledge about fires. Paper presented at the Conference: 10th International Conference “crisis management days” – security environment and challenges of crisis management, At 24, 25 and 26 May 2017.
Cvetković, V., Gačić, J., & Babić, S. (2017). Religiousness level and citizen preparedness for natural disasters. Vojno delo.
Cvetković, V., Gačić, J., & Jakovljević, V. (2015b). Impact of climate change on the distribution of extreme temperatures as natural disasters. Vojno delo, 67(6), 21-42.
Cvetković, V., Gačić, J., & Jakovljević, V. (2017). Household supplies for natural disaster: factor of influence on the possession of supplies. Paper presented at the 8th International Scientific Conference – Security concept and policies – New generation of risks and threats, At Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 4 – 5 June, 2017.
Cvetković, V., & Ivanov, A. (2014). Comparative analysis of national strategies for protection and rescue in emergencies in Serbia and Montenegro with emphasis on Croatia. In C. T.Mojanoski (Ed.), International conference: Macedonia and the Balkans, a hundred years after the world war I – security and euroatlantic integrations (pp. 200-216). Skopje: University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, Faculty of Security.
Cvetković, V., Ivanov, A., & Sadiyeh, A. (2015). Knowledge and perceptions of students of the Academy of criminalistic and police studies about natural disasters. Paper presented at the International scientific conference Archibald Reiss days., Belgrade.
Cvetković, V., & Miladinović, S. (2017). Ispitavanje stavova i znanja učenika o klizištima kao prirodnim opasnostima – Testing of attitudes and knowledge of students on natural hazards as landslides. Ecologica, 24(85), 121-126.
Cvetković, V., Milašinović, S., & Gostimirović, L. (2016). The impact of age on flood preparedness in Serbia. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 6(10), 10-23.
Cvetković, V., Milojković, B., & Mlađan, D. (2013). Climate Change as a Modern Security Threat International conference climate change impacts on water resources Belgrade: Jaroslav Černi institute for the development of water resources.
Cvetković, V., & Jakovljević, V. (2017). Factors of impact on the citizens awareness of emergency situations risks in Serbia. Paper presented at the Peto naučno savetovanje ,,Upravljanje rizicima”.
Cvetković, V., Milojković, B., Mlađan, D., & Miladinović, S. (2014). The role of police in achieving security on the Danube as international waterways in Serbia The third romanian-bulgarian-hungarian-serbian conference: Geographical Research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube (Vol. Book of Abstracts, pp. 42-43). Srebrno jezero: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Managament:.
Cvetković, V., & Sandić, M. (2016). The fear of natural disaster caused by flood. Ecologica, 23(82), 203-211.
Filipović, M., & Cvetković, M. V. (2017). Risks privatization of water resources in terms of their scarcity. Serbian Science Today.
Filipović, M., & Cvetković, V. (2017). The conceptualization of sustainable development and implementation at local level. Serbian Science Today.
Cvetković, V. M., Ivanov, A., & Milojković, B. (2016). Influence of parenthood on citizen preparedness for response to natural disaster caused by floods. Paper presented at the VI Internationa scientific conference Archibald Reiss days, Belgrade.
Gačić, J., Jakovljević, V., & Cvetković, V. (2014). Floods in the Republik of Serbia – vulnerability and human security. In Ivica Đorđević, Marina Glamotchak, Svetlana Stanarević, & Jasmina Gačić (Eds.), Twenty Years of Human Security: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Applications (pp. 277-286). Belgrade: University of Belgrade – Faculty of Security Studies.
Ivanov, A., & Cvetković, V. (2014). The role of education in natural disaster risk reduction. Horizons – international scientific journal, X (16), 115-131.
Ivanov, A., Cvetković, V., & Sudar, S. . (2015). Recognition and perception of risks and environmental hazards on the part of the student population in the republic of Macedonia. In Z. Ž. i. O. Bacanović (Ed.), International scientific conference – Researching security – approaches, concepts and policies (pp. 173-195). Skopje: University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola Faculty of Security.
Mijalković, S., & Cvetković, V. (2013). Vulnerability of critical infrastructure by natural disasters. In Z. Keković, D. Čaleta, Ž. Kešetović, & Z. Jeftić (Eds.), National critical infrastructure protection, regional perspective (pp. 91-102). Belgrade: University of Belgrade – Faculty of Security Studies
Institute for Corporative Security Studies, Ljubljana.
Mijlković, S., & Cvetković, V. (2014). Victimisation of people in natural disaster: geospatial and temporal distribution. Temida, 4(17), 19-43.
Milojević, S., Janković, B., & Cvetković, V. (2015). Prediction Model of Effective Studies at the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies. NBP – Journal of criminalistics and law, 1(2015), 135-149.
Cvetković, V. (2017c). Crisis situations – preparedness of state, local communities and citizens. Vojno delo.
Mlađan, D., & Cvetković, V. (2012). Police deployment in emergency situations International scientific conference Archibald Reiss days (pp. 275-291). Belgrade: The Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies.
Mlađan, D., & Cvetković, V. (2013). Classification of emergency situations. In Ž. Nikač (Ed.), International scientific conference Archibald Reiss days (pp. 275-291). Belgrade: The Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies.
Mlađan, D., Cvetković, V., & Veličković, M. (2012). Incident Command System in the United States of America. Vojno delo, 64(1), 89-105.
Sudar, S., Aleksandar, I., & Cvetković, V. (2016). Environmental and social management framework (esmf) for fostering environemtnal protection and security in drina river basin riparian countries. Paper presented at the Paper presented at the 7th International Scientific Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime.
Sultana, O., Cvetković, M. V., & Kutub, J. R. (2017). Problems of inhabitants of Muktagacha town in Mymenssingh district in terms of urban services important for security in natural disaster. Vojno delo, In press.
Kutub, J. R., Cvetković, V. M., & Huq, S. (2017). Assessment of Women’s Vulnerability and their Coping Mechanism Living in Flood prone Areas: A Case Study of Belkuchi Upazila, Sirajganj. Serbian Science Today.
Cvetković, V., Gačić, J., & Jakovljević, V. (2015a). Geospatial and temporal distribution of forest fires. Vojno delo, 67(2), 108-127.
Cvetković, V. (2017a). Barriers to improvement preparedness for response to natural disasters. Vojno delo, In press.
Cvetković, V. (2017d). Risk perception of natural disasters caused by floods. Vojno delo (In press).
Cvetković, V. (Ed.) (2016i). Comparative analysis of assessments efficiency of reaction of the police, military and fire-rescue units to natural disasters. Belgrade: Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies.
Cvetković, V., & Filipović, M. (2017c). Consequences of natural disaster: factors of impact on citizens perception in Serbia. Ecologica.
Cvetković, V., Filipović, M., Popović, D., & Ostojić, G. (2017). Factors of impact on knowledge about natural disasters. Ecologica, 24(85), 121-126.
Cvetković, V., Gaćić, J., & Petrović, D. (2015). Students preparedness of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade for responding to natural disaster caused by floods in Serbia. Ecologica, 22(78), 302-308.
Cvetković, V., & Ivanov, A. (2016a). Analysis factors of influence to the knowledge and perception of secondary school students in Belgrade about epidemics. Paper presented at the Deveta međunarodna znastveno-stručna konferencija ,,Dani kriznog upravljanja”,, Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Hrvatska.
Cvetković, V., & Ivanov, A. (2016b). Influence of households distance on flood disaster preparedness in Serbia. Paper presented at the Deveta međunarodna znastveno-stručna konferencija ,,Dani kriznog upravljanja”,, Veleučilište Velika Gorica, Hrvatska.
Cvetković, V., Milojković, B., & Stojković, D. (2014). Geospatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes. Vojno delo, 66(2), 166-185.
Cvetković, V., Jakovljević, V., Gačić, J., & Filipović, M. (2017). Citizens training for responding in disaster. Ecologica, in press.
Cvetković, V., Janković, B., & Banović, B. (2014). Geospatial and temporal distribution of tsunami. In V. Milanko, M. Laban, & E. Mračkova (Eds.), Četvrta međunarodna naučna konferencija ,,Bezbednosni inženjering, požar, životna sredina, radna okolina, integrisani rizici“ i Četrnaesta međunarodna konferencija zaštita od požara i eksplozija. (pp. 352-361). Novi Sad: Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija u Novom Sadu.
Cvetković, V., Janković, B., & Milojević, S. (2016). Studenst security from consequences of disasaters in school objects. Ecologica, 23(84), 809-815.
Cvetković, V., Aksentijević, V., & Ivović, M. (2015). The role of emergency medical service in disaster. In D. Kolarić (Ed.), Suprotstavljanje savremenim oblicima kriminaliteta – analiza stanja, evropski standardi i mere za unapređenje (pp. 355-367). Beograd: Kriminalističko – policijska akademija i Fondacija „Hans Zajdel” u saradnji sa Ministarstvom unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije.
Cvetković, V. (2015a). Citizens preparedness for natural disasters caused by floods in Serbia.. (Disertation), Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet bezbednosti.
Cvetković, V., Popović, M., & Sadiyeh, A. (2014). Possibilites of chemical abuse in terrorist purpose. In S. Mijalković (Ed.), Suprotstavljanje savremenom organizovanom kriminalu i terorizmu (pp. 341-359). Beograd: Kriminalističko-policijska akademija.
Cvetković, V., & Stojković, D. (2014). Comparative analysis of national strategy of security Albanije, Albanije, Makedonije i Crne Gore. Bezbjednost, policija i građani(3-4), 239-251.
Janković, B., & Cvetković, V. (2016). The place and role of FRONTEX in the implementation of new border security policy of the European Union. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 15(56-57), 265-277.
Lipovac, M., & Cvetković, V. (2015). Problems in the implementation of European standards in the Republic of Serbia in the field of integrated protection and rescue in emergency situations – for 112 emergency calls. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 53.
Cvetković, V. (2014). Geospatial and temporal distribution of climate disasters.. In S. Milašinović (Ed.), Tranzicija i ekonomski kriminal (pp. 163-183). Beograd: Kriminalističko-policijska akademija
Mlađan, D., Milojković, B., Baras, I., & Cvetković, V. (2013). Cooperation of south-east european countries in emergency situations. International scientific conference – The Balkans between past and future: security, conflict resolution and Euro-Atlantic integration. Skopje: University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, Faculty of Security.
Popović, M., & Cvetković, V. (2012). Women as participants in peacekeeping operations and decision-makers in the security sector. Žene Kultura – Polis: časopis za negovanje demokratske kulture, 273-291.
Cvetković, V. (2015b). Preparedness for natural disaster: literary review. Bezbjednost, policija i građani, 1-2/15(XI), 165-183.
Cvetković, V. (2015c). Phenomenology of natural disastes. Bezbjednost, policija i građani, 3 – 4, 311-335.