- Hatidža BerišaMilitary Academy, University of Defence, Veljka Lukića Kurjaka, 11042 Belgrade, Serbia
- Vanja CvetkovićScientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management, Dimitrija Tucovića 121, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
- Aleksandar PavićMilitary Academy, University of Defence, Veljka Lukića Kurjaka, 11042 Belgrade, Serbia
artificial intelligence, autonomy, superiority in cyberspace, hybrid threats, risks, management
The crisis management system is a key element of a modern, reliable, effective, and sustainable security system. In contemporary settings, management functions are implemented through the capabilities of a command-information system. Consequently, most activities are conducted within cyberspace, meaning that management functions cannot be effectively executed without adequate telecommunications and information technology support. The primary target of hostile cyber activities is precisely the command-information system. Developing an optimal methodology for the use of command-information systems, as well as for prevention and protection against cyber-attacks, is among the most critical tasks for modern defence and security systems. One approach to enhancing risk management is through the application of artificial intelligence (AI). AI should ensure superiority in cyberspace, primarily at the national level, providing the foundation for executing legitimate and lawful cyber activities in a state’s defence system. This paper aims to explore the role and significance of artificial intelligence within the realm of cybersecurity by analyzing its implications for risk management in contemporary environments. Command in modern military operations, the nature of modern warfare risks, the protection of command-information systems, the autonomy of artificial intelligence in decision-making, and an understanding of cyber threats are factors through which the challenges of modern command systems can be understood.
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How to Cite
Beriša, H., Cvetković, V., & Pavić, A. (2024). Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Cyberspace on Risk Management Capabilities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 6(2), 279–295. Citation Formats
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM)
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