The Contribution of Roads to Forest Fire Protection in Tamza Municipality, Northeast Algeria


  • Faicel ToutTerritory Planning Research Center, Zouaghi Slimane Campus, Ain el Bey Road, 25000 Constantine, Algeria
  • Nouh RebouhTerritory Planning Research Center, Zouaghi Slimane Campus, Ain el Bey Road, 25000 Constantine, Algeria
  • Haythem DinarTerritory Planning Research Center, Zouaghi Slimane Campus, Ain el Bey Road, 25000 Constantine, Algeria
  • Yacine BenzidTerritory Planning Research Center, Zouaghi Slimane Campus, Ain el Bey Road, 25000 Constantine, Algeria
  • Zakaria ZouakTerritory Planning Research Center, Zouaghi Slimane Campus, Ain el Bey Road, 25000 Constantine, Algeria



disasters, forest fires, roads, protection, Tamza, Algeria


With rising forest fire frequency due to climate change, countries are advancing measures for prevention and faster emergency response. In Algeria, efforts centre on improving access to at-risk forests by expanding forest roads and paths. This study focuses on Ain Mimoun, Tamza in Khenchela Province, examining the role of these routes in forest protection. Using Geographic Information Systems (Google Earth Engine and ArcGIS) alongside field surveys, it identifies areas impacted by the 2021 fires through the difference normalised burn ratio (dNBR) and assesses road proximity to affected zones. Using a cartographic approach, this study highlights road density in fire-hit areas, revealing several constraints limiting the roads’ effectiveness as fire barriers. Factors such as tree types and terrain influence fire spread, while fires near forest entrances impede firefighting vehicles due to risks from visibility and respiratory hazards. Maintenance issues further limit the utility of forest paths, and outdated forest road maps complicate firefighting efforts. Proposed solutions include upgrading the firefighting fleet with advanced tools like aircraft for isolated areas, intensifying forest road maintenance, and increasing forest monitors. Additionally, the study suggests exploring fire-resistant plant species, adopting strategic afforestation, and using Geographic Information Systems alongside advanced technologies like drones. These drones, which can provide real-time monitoring of fire and road conditions, support timely decision-making for rescue, evacuation and emergency response.


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How to Cite

Tout, F., Rebouh, N. ., Dinar, H. . ., Benzid, Y. . ., & Zouak, Z. (2024). The Contribution of Roads to Forest Fire Protection in Tamza Municipality, Northeast Algeria. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management6(2), 39–50. Citation Formats


Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (IJDRM)




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