Harmonization of Soft Power and Institutional Skills: Montenegro’s Path to Accession to the European Union in the Environmental Sector


  • Srna Sudar University of Montenegro, Rectorate, Project Office, Cetinjska 2, 81000 Podgorica
  • Vladimir M. Cvetković The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, Gospodara Vučića 50, Belgrade, Serbia http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3450-0658
  • Aleksandar Ivanov Faculty of Security—Skopje, University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola, 7000 Bitola, North Mace-donia,




environment; soft power; accession; alignment; harmonization; institutional skills; governance; Montenegro; European Union


This research investigates the alignment of soft power and institutional skills in Montenegro’s journey towards accession to the European Union (EU), with a particular focus on the environmental sector. An online survey targeting individuals employed in state institutions directly engaged in negotiation processes, notably the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and the Agency for Nature and Environmental Protection, was conducted. The research conducted an online survey, distributed before and after the summer recess to accommodate the transition of power following parliamentary elections, aimed at assessing the effectiveness of current personnel and identifying areas for improvement in staffing and negotiation strategies within Montenegro’s environmental sector. Employing diverse methodologies, the survey’s analysis delved into the demographic, social, and professional backgrounds of respondents. It explored their roles within institutions, involvement in environmental negotiations, and possession of relevant skills and expertise. Furthermore, respondents’ knowledge of environmental issues, legislation, and challenges facing the country was assessed to gauge institutional capacity for environmental governance. Demographic data, including gender, age, education and regional origin, were collected to understand gender-specific attitudes and regional disparities in environmental perspectives. The sample of 84 individuals, comprising executives and employees from both institutions, provided insights into the age structure and regional diversity of personnel involved in negotiation tasks for Chapter 27. The selection of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism and the Agency for Nature and Environmental Protection reflects their pivotal roles in shaping Montenegro’s environmental policies and addressing climate change challenges. This study aims to illuminate the dynamics of environmental governance within Montenegro’s state administration, contributing to the country’s path towards EU accession. The research findings highlight the critical need for Montenegro to prioritize strategic initiatives in personnel management, skill development, and institutional capacity-building within its environmental sector. The implications of this research extend beyond academia to inform policymaking and societal action, emphasizing the urgency for Montenegro to bolster its environmental sector capabilities, fostering both EU alignment and sustainable governance practices for the benefit of present and future generations.

Author Biography

Vladimir M. Cvetković, The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, Gospodara Vučića 50, Belgrade, Serbia

Assoc. Prof. (Disaster Risk Management) at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security, and has been engaged in research in the field of disaster studies for 15 years. He has published over 250 research papers and 20 scientific monographs. He is the founder of the Scientific Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management in Serbia, the International Institute for Disaster Research, and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Management.


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How to Cite

Sudar, S., Cvetković, V. M., & Ivanov, A. (2024). Harmonization of Soft Power and Institutional Skills: Montenegro’s Path to Accession to the European Union in the Environmental Sector . International Journal of Disaster Risk Management6(1), 41–74. https://doi.org/10.18485/ijdrm.2024.6.1.4More Citation Formats


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